There are millions of blogs around and loads of content is published in the blogosphere each day.Sadly, 90% of it is just a waste of server space.This is due to the lack of purpose and underdeveloped style.Many bloggers are not able to focus on the topic which makes the article bore and hence less visitors in the long run.

Nobody wants to be ignored but few wish to improve.There are some tips you must keep in mind while writing a post for your blog.I will try to list as many as I know.Do leave a comment if I miss any so that I may edit my work and include your tip too.

1.Good Content

You believe or not,for many bloggers content is the king.They may ignore your ugly blog design if you write a high quality post with indepth knowledge in it.A post needs to be well-written, structured and unique.

2.Style is the king

Good style of writing comes with practice and observation.A great style can be developed by reading old books.Notice the expression and their style and try following it while you write.You will soon find your development in your comments.

3.Matching pictures for your post

Pictures speak themselves.Using a picture related to your post will attract the attention of the visitor.

4.Interaction with Commentators

Always reply to comments-both in your post and to the commentators blog.A healthy interaction will make the others come more often to your blog.But make sure comment should be related to the post and not some lame comment like 'nice blog' etc.

5.Be straight to point

No one has time to listen what you cooked today and your problems(personal blogs excluded here).Always focus on the topic and say what is needed.Incoherence should be highly avoided.

6.Edit your Work

Never hurry yourself to click the publish post button.There are many ideas you miss while typing.And don't forget the mistakes.After writing,read your work atleast 2 times to make sure its speaks of the message you wanted to convey to your readers.Keep an eye on the font size and text type(use 'arial' most).

7.Good knowledge of Language

A language use is a must for publicizing a work.A good vocabulary is often required to create emotions.To improve in this field,you may refer to 'Word Power Made Easy' by Norman lewis(a suggestion).Type the book name in google and you may take a glance at it.

The improvement process is not a quick phenomenon.It will usually take time but once it comes to you,it will never leave you.



  1. Rajarshi // January 13, 2008 at 12:28 AM  

    Very true....
    And altho widgets r fun they shud not be overdun with.
    Same with advts.too many advts makes the site look like a commercial website.

  2. Anonymous // January 19, 2008 at 6:36 AM  

    Good points! Do you have any website names where you can get copyright free images to go along with what you mentioned in point 3:
    Matching pictures for your post

  3. Anonymous // May 11, 2008 at 4:22 PM  

    Thanks alot for this great list!

    One Million Euro Blog