It has always been said that man are from mars and girls are from Venus. They can not be same if we talk about their perception towards any affair. So in order to justify this statement or you can say to know more about this species of mars , a survey has conducted where it has been discussed what actually man want, what are their priorities and preferences and much more.

Some of the fact that has emerged after this survey were extremely shocking while some were expected and some are the clear indication of changing trend and hence choices too.

For today’s urban man, the most significant thing is his career. They have preferred their career (61%) dominantly over a happy married life (29%) and there is not much space for kids (8%) and a meager 2% for active social life.

On another questioned, we come to know that there is only 18% man go for manicure and facial like thing while 35% thinks it’s a waste of time and made for girls only. Rest opts it but only for some big occasions.

If we talk about their preferences for his partner then a whopping 57% wants an adjusting girl that can take care of his values and family.

For a very interesting but realistic question that if your wife had an affair then how would they react then 4% of man has power to accept it and say “Let get real about this these….. ”
And 46% would prefer to leave as they can’t accept such a betrayal.

So what kind of man you are and girls here was quick hint about the man. Hope we will come to know more about you as well.